Isai portrait
  • Expedition: Oct 12-17, 2014
  • Isai
  • Turlock and Pitman High Schools
  • Yosemite National Park: Sunrise Lakes

So far on this week long trip with WildLink, it’s been super fun and cool, hanging out with my friends has been cool and chill, but also a very, very, very good exercise. This trip has taught me so far about leadership, responsibility, toughness, and appreciation. To be honest, I miss my parents, and brothers, and home. this trip has reflected to my life by thinking about what I want to do as a job. What I think is freakin’ sweet/cool is the amazing views in Yosemite! That is what I have so far for this trip.

Isai Sunrise Lake

OMG!!! We made it up to Cloud’s Rest, all the way to the tippy top of the mountain. I am glad that I was able to make this trip. Right now I am sitting down on the top of this mountain, and I feel like I have accomplished some of my goals, but really this hike was a kicker. I am super happy and relaxed. And I if I ever have this chance again, you best believe I will take it again.

Isai Dino Selfie
Isai Gear Prep
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.